Ntando Cele

Actress and performance artist / ntandocele.com

Sleeping to awaken
is a way to question how and when I produce my own work. The pandemic has created a space for more reflection on how systems of power have influenced productivity as a tool of oppression and domination. In looking for Brown bodies resting in humanising ways I am confronted by images of white women, babies and cute animals. Following in the footsteps of The Nap Ministry, who advocate for disrupting Capitalism by using rest as a form of resistance, niv Acosta and Fannie Sosa who exhibited Black Power Naps based on research on the “racial sleep gap” and others, I am wondering about thriving instead of surviving, sleeping vs death.


©Janosch Abel

©Janosch Abel


She combines music, text, and video to recreate her identity in her performances. She has a National Diploma in Drama Studies from the Durban University of Technology and obtained her Master of Theatre from Dasarts-Amsterdam. She is currently touring «Go Go Othello» a 2020 creation that explores the presence of brown bodies on European stages.